Summer Workshop

Amazeum birthdays are fun,
engaging, stress-free for parents
and the scope to personalize
the event makes it special for the organizer & attendees.

May Edition
Three NON-SCREEN based tech activities
Technology doesn't always mean Screen based learning, Read to know the way forward.
Three Healthy technology
INDIC TECH awareness
New Kid in the Tech World - CHat GPT
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Children's Museum
Some non Screen based tech activities
A STEM activity uses elements of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math to solve problems.
All STEM activities are inquiry-based. STEM activities encourage children to learn subjects like math and science in a fun way, and how to use those subjects to solve their day-to-day problems and the problems that they might face as grown ups.
STEM activities help children to explore the concepts of science, math, engineering, and technology in a way in which will encourage kids to like them and understand them in a better way.
STEM activities can be performed at school and at home.
Technology projects
STEM activities can be performed at school and at home.
Kids can learn a lot with technology activities like the below given concepts.
Electrical Engineering
Logical Sequence
Data collection & analysis
Game Design
Usage of technology etc
Three non screen based STEM activities
Paper cup - String phone:
This fun activity will keep the young ones enagged in a productive way.
2 Paper cups
Long think pipe
A sharp pencil to poke holes in the cup

Poke a small hole at the bottom of each cup.
Cut the long thin string enough for both the cups.
Using each end of the string, thread it through the bottoms of the cups.
Move into position and encourage your child to move away from you so that the string is far enough to make it tight. Be sure that the string does not touch any other object and that it remains suspended in air as you complete the experiment.
Taking turns and talk into the cup, while the other person listens by putting the cup to their ear. Tell your child to repeat what he or she hears after you have spoken and do the same in return!
After the experiment, explain to your child what is happening: Sound waves created by talking through the cup travels through the line to the other end, converting back to sound on the opposite side!
Three non screen based STEM activities
Sun Dial:
Technology has evolved over the time, however ancient technology like making a sun dial is a fun and good way for children to learn about the movement of sun and the concept of time.
Supplies Needed:
1 Paper Plate
Stick or Pencil

Take a paper plate and mark hours on the plate or stick a print out of a clock for easy reference. Ask the child to make a mark in the middle of the paper plate and now help the child to poke a stick through the marking (make sure it is in the center). Keep the DIY sundial in full sun and check every hour and ask the child to match the shadow with their watch and to observe.
Three non screen based STEM activities
Your first DIY doodle Bot
Have you imagined making your own first robot? Now you can and that too with easily available and sourced items.
Supplies Needed:
Disposable cup
3 Markers
2 “AAA” battery holder
2 “AAA” batteries
1.5-3 V DC Motor
Popsicle stick
Googly eyes (optional, you could always just draw them on)

First, tape the markers into the cup as legs.First, tape the markers into the cup as legs. Now that the battery pack is attached to the motor, tape the battery pack onto the top of the disposable cup slightly off-center. Next, tape the DC motor onto the cup. At this point you could turn on the motor by placing the batteries into the holder, to see that with the motor not off balance, nothing exciting happens. Next, add on the clothespin to the motor and it should start to wiggle a little bit. Make a face on your wigglebot, plug in the batteries, place it on a piece of paper and watch it wiggle and spin!
Stop Motion Animation
Stop Motion Animation is a film making technique that makes inanimate objects appear to move on their own.
Supplies Needed:
Two pieces of foam core or green screen
Objects to animate
Smart phone or tablet Tripod or stand to hold your device steady
Stop Motion Animation App (You can use any paid or free app)

1) Set up a backdrop. This could be a wall, a foam core or a green screen.
2) Gather toys to include in your animation.
3) Set up your touch pad or smart phone on a stand or tripod, across from the foam core.
4) Start the Stop Motion Animation App and make your movie! Place the toy in front of a camera and take a photo. You then move the object a tiny bit and take another photo. Repeat this process twenty to ten thousand times.
5) Play back the sequence in rapid progression, and the object appears to move fluidly across the screen.
Learn to make a QR code
QR codes are similar to bar codes except QR codes can have data embedded in them. When read using QR code software, the code can open a website, video, text, or even download a file.
Supplies Needed:
A mobile phone, laptop or a tablet
QR code generator
Find a free QR code generator.Most free generators will have several format options available. These might include simple text, a website URL, a phone number, a text message, or a vCard (contact card). The device that scans the code will launch the applicable program when the code is scanned (for example, scanning a phone number code will open the dialer on the phone and enter in the phone number). Enter your data into the fields provided by the generator. By default, QR codes are black and white, but they can actually be any color you want. Most free code generators will allow you to adjust the colors on your QR code. Download your code in PNG format. This image file can be easily added to any document
Augmented Reality
Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience that combines the real world and computer-generated content.
Augmented reality is similiar to QR codes, while QR codes give information in the form of some text and webite, AR gives more specific information like videos, pictures, write ups etc. The potential of AR as a teaching tool is immense especially when it comes to younger children. The only skill a child needs to access the video is the ability to scan the appropriate image.
AR can be made to teach Literacy and Numeracy in early child learning.
Technology is a boon when used intelligently!!!
Ancient India has had a glorious culture of education, science, and technology, and has made significant contributions in the fields of astronomy, arithmetic, geometry, metallurgy, the ayurvedic system of medicine, and surgery.
The notation system, the decimal system, and the use of zero were the three most important contributions to mathematics.
The Surya Siddhanta is a well-known work. Another seminal work in the field of astronomy is Varahamihira's Brihatsamhita from the sixth century AD. His discovery that the moon rotated around the earth and the earth rotated around the sun was widely accepted, and subsequent discoveries were based on this assertion.
Aryabhatta discovered algebra as well as the area of a triangle, which led to the development of trignometry. Apastamba introduced practical geometry involving acute, obtuse, and right angles in the second century BC.
These astronomical and mathematical discoveries became the foundations for further research and progress.
The Atharva Veda was the first to mention diseases, cures, and medicines. The diseases mentioned are fever, cough, consumption, diarrhoea, dropsy, sores, leprosy, and seizures.
The period of rational sciences began around 600 BC. Takshila and Taranasi emerged as medical and educational hubs. Charaksamhita by Charak and Sushrutsamhita by Sushruta are two important texts in this field.
The fact that their work reached as far as China and Central Asia through translations in various languages demonstrates the significance of their efforts.
Charaksamhita mentions medicinal plants and herbs.
Around the fourth century AD, surgery became recognized as a distinct field.
This discipline was pioneered by Sushruta. He regarded surgery as "the highest division of the healing arts and the least susceptible to error." He makes reference to 121 surgical instruments.
Along with this, he discusses operation methods such as bone setting, cataract removal, and so on. Ancient Indian surgeons were well-versed in plastic surgery (repair of noses, ears and lips).
Sushruta mentions 760 different plants. All plant parts, including roots, barks, flowers, and leaves, were used.
Diet was emphasised (e.g. salt free diet for nephrites). Both the Charaksamhita and the Sushrutsamhita were precursors to the later development of Indian medicine.
The earth was a sphere that rotated on its axis, and when the earth's shadow fell on the moon, it caused Lunar eclipse, and when the moon's shadow fell on the earth, it caused Solar eclipse. The orthodox theory, on the other hand, explained it as a process in which the demon swallowed the planet.
Varahamihira described all of these observations in Panch Siddhantika, which summarizes the five schools of astronomy prevalent at the time.
Aryabhatta deviated from Vedic astronomy and gave it a scientific perspective, which later astronomers followed.
In ancient India, astrology and horoscopes were studied. Aryabhatta's theories marked a significant departure from astrology, which emphasised beliefs over scientific explorations.
Significant Science and Technology Discovery in Ancient India in below fiends were remarkable and has inspired various scholars and researchers in the west to use the Indic resources to further advance the technology, below are the few of the many Ancient Indian contributions.
Numerical Notations
Binary Numbers
Chakravala Method of Algorithms
Ruler Measurements
Plastic Surgery
Glazed pottery found during the Indus valley excavation.
Dyeing of Textiles etc
Chat GPT
The new cool kid in the technology arena is "Chat GPT"! ChatGPT is a large language model chatbot developed by OpenAI . It has a remarkable ability to interact in conversational dialogue form and provide responses that can appear surprisingly human. Large language models perform the task of predicting the next word in a series of words.
ChatGPT is going to be the new big thing, it will definatley make content creation a lot easier than it ever was, however there are flip sides to technology.
Forbes lists out 10 limitations of Chat GPT :
Lack of common sense
Lack of emotional intelligence
Limitations in understanding context
Trouble generating long-form, structured content Limitations in handling multiple tasks at the same time
Potentially biased responses
Limited knowledge
Accuracy problems or grammatical issues
Need for fine-tuning
Computational costs and power
Amazeum Art corner

Email us your child's article on info@amazeum.in to get featured in the Amazeum newsletter.
Puzzle Wuzzle
Can you solve?
Code a design!
Codes to be followed :
Start from the dot. Follow the code and you will sail through the design with ease

Amazeum workshops & events
Amazeum conducted a 5 days of FUN and SKILL based curated workshop for children ages 7 - 14 in April.
Glimpses of Amazeum Summer Workshop 2023

Immersive Stories workshop

Think Out Of The Box with
Puzzles workshop

Think Out Of The Box with Puzzles workshop

DIY PVC Lamp making workshop

DIY PVC Lamp making workshop

Goodies for all from FUNVENTION

Wood working worskhop

Wood working worskhop

Exhibit: Bubble Tower

Exhibit: Ball Pit - Tot corner
Amazeum is Pune's first and only children's museum with interactive and unique exhibits that not only provide a fun creative space but also help in having a unique learning experience.

Exhibit: Luminous Lights

Exhibit: Magnetic wall